It is Believed that If we wear Tulsi(Holy Basil) and Salagram together it will not create poverty, money problem ,unhappiness,fearness,illusion in Wearer.The some of the name of Lord vishnu Salagram are – Santhan gopal.Laddu gopal Salagram,Hayagriva salagram,Krishna salagram,Kurma Salagram.Narasimha dev Salagram,Sudarshan salagram,Kurma salagram,Varaha Salagram,Baman Salagram.Kalkin Salagram,Budh salagram,Mastya salagram,Padmanabh salagram,parshuram salagram etc..Many incountables form and name of lord vishnu. This mala is hand made from the rarest small shaligram stones picked from gandaki river in nepal.. Salagram sila stone is lord vishnu himself. There is residential of Goddess lakshmi,Saraswati,Ganesh and all god in that house where saligram is kept and worshipped. According to Shastras, wearing Shaligram ji benefits the family in 6 dimensions: Noble way of life, Wealth, Protection from evil, good health, worldly pleasures and blessing from Lord Vishnu . This mala can be used for Lord Vishnu jaap or for wearing
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